The Panther

Saturday Swindle Rules

Handicap System

  1. Winner with a score of 37 or above is cut by two shots. As from 1st Jan 2023, players with handicap < 10 are only cut one shot.
  2. Winner with a score of 30 -36 is cut by one shot.
  3. Winner with a score of 29 or less is not cut at all.
  4. Anyone scoring 39 points or higher who does not win, is cut by one shot.
  5. Pre 2018 - Loser gets a shot back and puts an extra pound in the pot.
  6. Post 2018 - Loser gets a shot back.
  7. The maximum handicap is 32 (36 as from 1st April 2017, ANY as from 1st Jan 2022, 28 as from 1st Jan 2023, 32 as from 1st Jan 2024), the minimum 0.
  8. Pre 2020 - At the start of each year, handicaps are reset to the maximum of club or Saturday handicap. If the player does not have a Saturday handicap, then his Wednesday handicap is used instead.
  9. As from Jan 2020 - At the start of each year, handicaps are reset to the player's club handicap.

Scoring System

  1. Full adjusted handicap (see Latest Handicaps ) stableford rules.
  2. White tees, when available/allowed, otherwise as per directed by the club pro.
  3. In the case of a tied win, the player with the best back 9 wins. If this still results in a tie, the best back 6, then the best back three, If this still results in a tie, then the player with the best 18th, 17th, 16th etc., is the winner.
  4. In the case of a tied loss, then rule (3) applies, but for worst score.

Funding and Awards

  1. Each player contributes £2 to the Saturday pot, and £1 to the Wednesday pot.
  2. Pre 2018 - As per rule 5 of the handicap system, the loser contributes three pounds sterling.
  3. Pre 2020 - Five pounds sterling will be removed from the pot (Saturday only) for the Rhododendron Project
  4. As from Jan 2020, on Saturday, second place gets their £2 back.
  5. The winner takes the remainder of the pot.
  6. Pre 2020 - At the end of the year, the Rhododendron Project funds will be used for an award for the winner of the Best Ten Games League, and any year end special events.
  7. To be eligible for the Best Ten Games League, the winner must be present at the year end special event.
  8. A player can participate in winning the pot by playing 3 rounds. From the forth round onwards, the player will be required to put 2 pounds in the pot on Saturday (1 pound on Wednesday), and will be eligible to win it.
  9. Pre 2020 - Only if 6 on Saturday, or 3 on Wednesday, or more players complete the round, are the scores and pot etc., necessary.
  10. As from Jan 2020 - Only if 4 on Saturday, or 4 on Wednesday, or more players complete the round, are the scores and pot etc., necessary.
  11. To participate in this group, players are expected to join in with post game conviviality.